Malta Youth Film Festival it's an event is organised by the Malta Film Foundation and Aġenzija Żgħażagħ and it has been supported by Arts Council Malta through the Cultural Partnership Agreement (2017-2019), the Malta Film Commission and the office of the Parliamentary Secretary for Youth, Sport and Voluntary Organisations.
The festival encourages individuals or groups of young film makers aged between 16 and 30 to express themselves through film and complements efforts by academic institutions in film and media studies.
The deadline of every year's edition is set for April/May where during an Award Ceremony the winners are announced.
The judges are well-versed in film but also in youth studies. The awards are intended to recognise technical excellence but also the ability to communicate and keep an audience engaged. The winner of the festival has a chance to win EUR 500 and an experience to travel to Norway to participate in the Nordic Young Film Festival (NUFF).
Films are also a subject of Public Vote that is announced on Malta Film Foundation website.
MYFF 2021
Jury and public of the 4th Malta Youth Film Festival could see 12 films accepted into the competition.
The Award Ceremony was held again at the Youth Village Complex in Santa Venera.
Films taking part in the competition:
Right and Left
- Mummy’s Boy
Inner Voice
The Soapbox
Citta Invicta
As Yet Untitled
Ramel Fjura Rmied
Judges of the 4th edition:

Susan Ronald
Funds Manager
Malta Film Commission

Joyce Grech
Malta Film Foundation
Simon Schembri
Community and Outreach Youth Work Services
Aġenzija Żgħażagħ

The Award Ceremony took place on the 2nd of July and the main Award of the 4th edition of the Festival went to Bruce Micallef Eynaud.
Photos: DOI - Darren Agius
MYFF 2020
Judges of the 3rd edition:
The 3rd Malta Youth Film Festival saw its edition during the year of Covid-19 pandemic. Due to the restrictions announced by the government the 2020 Award Ceremony took place online via a social media platform.
These were 15 films taking part in the competition:
The Night Walker
Ommi, mejta
The Postman
Tan nanna Helu Manna
Marlons Diner
Never meant to hurt you
J Jump Teddy
Id dell li nibża minnu
Room 23

Susan Ronald
Funds Manager
Malta Film Commission

Shirley Spiteri Mintoff
Motion Blur
Simon Schembri
Community and Outreach Youth Work Services
Aġenzija Żgħażagħ

The winners were announced in an online Award Ceremony held on the 3rd of June:
Jeremy Vella, the winner of the Best Picture with his film "Orrajt" had a chance to participate also in the workshop organised by NUFF festival in Norway.
MYFF 2019
Jury of the second edition of the Festival reviewed 14 film competing for the Awards including the financial one and a possibility to attent a workshop in Norway.
Meet Me - Maria Gauci
The Cement Truck Procession
Don't Open that Door
Hal Fejn
Mis Conduct
Mument Misruq
One Last Time
Mument Misruq
One Last Time
Track 7

Judges of the 2nd edition:
Susan Ronald
Funds Manager
Malta Film Commission
James Moffett
Audio-Visual & Graphic Design Coordinator
University of Malta
Simon Schembri
Community and Outreach Youth Work Services
Aġenzija Żgħażagħ
The winners were announced during the final awards ceremony which took place on Friday, 31st May at Aġenzija Żgħażagħ, St. Joseph High Road, St. Venera
Shaun Vella, the winner of the Best Picture with his film "Mument Misruq" in talk with Aġenzija Żgħażagħ about his experience with MYFF.

MYFF 2018
There were 17 entries for the first edition. The event was under the auspices of the Parliamentary Secretary Dr Clifton Grima, responsible for Youth, Sport and Voluntary Organisations. Distinguished guests also included Dr Francis Fabri, Permanent Secretary for Education and Employment, Dr Beverly Cutajar, Chairperson of the Malta Film Commission, Matthew Pullicino, Director Stargate Studios Malta and The Bigger Picture and Ms Miriam Teuma, Chief Executive Officer at Agenzija Zghazagh.
Life Crisis
Magic Mouse
Solar Power
In the Interim
Tifkiriet ta' Tfuliti
The Dairy Incident
A Distant Noise in Time
Cry Havoc
Plotless Island
The Fortune Teller
The Man on the Moon
Judges of the 1st edition:

Susan Ronald
Funds Manager
Malta Film Commission
Chris Zarb
Simon Schembri
Community and Outreach Youth Work Services
Aġenzija Żgħażagħ
Bruce Micallef Eynaud won the Best Picture Award, Best Script and Audience Awareness Awards at the first edition of the Malta Youth Film Festival for his film "Sunday".